Paul’s Story
Paul’s life has not been an easy one. Abusive father. Drunk mother. Aggressive siblings. Without the social skills to succeed in the education system, Paul left early and drifted into petty crime. In the prison system he found no assistance or rehabilitation.
With no money, no home, no education and no social skills, this is how Paul came to CLF. He smelled the nourishing soup from way off and in his hazy vision he saw a crowd (which was really a queue) and concerned that he wouldn’t be able to get any, desperately fought his way to the front. He was hopeless, cold and hungry, but so was everyone else in the queue. He had to wait his turn.
Paul doesn’t push in the queue now; he’s still working through his personal issues and from time to time he returns to the CLF Soup Stall for some nourishing soup and a chat with someone who is caring and supporting.